A bike ride through the vineyards of Mendoza

The sense of impending danger cycling on Argentine roads slips away contently after sampling a few of the finest wines in the countryside of Mendoza. Cyclists wander aimlessly along the country lanes dodging pot holes and locals in thirty degree heat, quite merrily in the protective bubbles aported by several glasses of the finest champagnes of this region.
A glance in the distance beyond are the snow capped mountains 5000m and 6000m peaks of the Andes. Yet, the flatness of this area lends itself to the pedalling foot and the Chardonnay you just sipped while thoughtfully staring into the distance, across the vineyard, hearing the bird cheeping merrily has just hit that sweet spot that you didn't know existed. The sharpness left by the Chardonay is pleasant, the tanginess. The tour is just about to start.
Equipped with a paper map of the vineyards (las bodegas) to visit tourists happily saunter on up the cycle lane to the next vineyard. What will that one be like?
The first had the backdrop; the second the bell was rung to call for attention (and it was loud!), what will the third hold?
I sit, staring at my empty glass
Oh another!


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