Palin - the coffee hasn't changed.

Sleepy. A black silk like dog approaches the bus stop, lifts its head to look around and then rests it on the path. Little do I know I won't be doing much more than that dog today. Public transport here sleeps more than the dog at the bus stop. And don't even get me started on <<hacer dedo>>.
Palin wrote about the coffee here being bad and it is. In restaurants it is the worst I've ever tasted. I ask for a white coffee and I am served an empty cup and a jug of hot milk. I wait expectantly to be served at least filter coffee from the jug poised above me. Nope, I rummage in the sugar bowl and find a sachet of Nescafé. I pour the instant coffee into my cup and then hot water follows. "Tell me when to stop." I try to create an espresso and then add the hot milk. I nearly gag. I add some milk and it tastes no different - how is this even possible in a continent with the best coffee in the world? I'm not even going to dare try the tea. 
Whenever I ask for milk, it's like asking for gold. Wide eyes and worried faces. "Milk?" Why is it so difficult to get good milk on a green island full of cows?!?!

Me cago en la le....


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